April 28, 2010

Releasing the body

During the past few days the team has been working on removing the body from the mold. we have hit quite a few snags along the way, including areas where the mold won't release from the body. As of tonight, approximately 60% of the body surface shows signs of release. In some of the areas that refuse to release from the mold, we have begun to cut away the mold itself in an attempt to encourage separation. Unfortunately, this has caused some slight damage to the surface of the body, but its nothing we can't repair.

On a lighter note, this Saturday the team traveled to the Celery Flats historical Area in Portage for their Green-A-Thon event. We set up in a central location at the event and attracted lots of attention. The public's interest in the team and the vehicle was astounding. It was a successful day. A great thanks to the City of Portage and all the volunteers and organization that made the event possible.

Bronco Pride,

April 22, 2010

Building the Body

A huge step forward was taken this past weekend. The first layers of fabric for the lower body of the 2010 Sunseeker were laid into the mold. It all began with a layer of surface coat, which will give the outside of the car an unbelievably smooth surface. Then more surface coat was laid into the mold, followed by 2 layers of fiberglass, some patches of carbon fiber for re-enforcement, and just enough resin in between all of that to bond everything together. Once it was all laid into the mold, we placed a vacuum bag over the mold in order to pull the fabric tight to the sides of the mold while removing any excess resin. The lay-up was left over the weekend to cure.

On Monday, Abe, Nick, and Scott from SC Enterprises came into the lab to remove the vacuum bag system and check on the first layer. To all of our relief, the lay-up was a success, aside from a few small blemishes that were removed during the Wednesday work shift.

On Wednesday, the team placed 2 more layers of material into the body, Nomex honeycomb reinforcement and another layer of fiberglass. These layers were once again bagged and placed under a vacuum. The team would like to extend many thanks to Scott and all the staff at SC Enterprises for their commitment to helping us realize our goal.

One thing that we forgot to mention in last week's post was another driver training session. On Friday the 9th, Mitch took another ride in the 2005 Sunseeker. We drove down to Vicksburg and back, attracting lots of attention along the way!

Bronco Pride,




April 14, 2010

Progession to the goal

Greetings and Salutations fellow Sunseeker enthusiast,
Today was an extremely productive day. Mitch, Byron and myself have finished buffing the mold. Nick and Josh worked on patching up a few blemishes on the inside of the mold. Tonight's progress on the new 2010 Sunseeker has been astonishing. Abe helped us get a full list ready of things that still need to be done before the rayce. The crew has also lifted the 2005 solar car array off the car and onto the stand. Byron re-enforced some troubled areas on array. We are finishing up some repairs on the 2005 car to get it back in condition for driver training.

Bronco Pride,

April 7, 2010

Preparing the Mold

Thursday saw the beginning of a great commitment for several team members. Mitch and Nick, the primary drivers for the 2010 Sunseeker, began their driver's training. It was Mitch's turn on the road as he took the 2005 Sunseeker for a short drive south of town. Several other team members also partook in this as crew members in the chase and lead vehicles.

Tonight the team began to prepare the mold for building the body. We scraped out pieces of tape, sanded down rough sports and then applied surface coat to the mold to fill in any damaged areas. We planing on beginning to lay the fiberglass and carbon fiber within a week, so the car will soon come to life.

Bronco Pride,